Brittany Ryan
My Name is...
Brittany Ryan
I own Sacred Temple Healing and I am a priestess with Magic of Life Pagan Ministries.
I am a spiritually eclectic person. I am mostly drawn towards yogic living mixed with Celtic/living with the seasons practices.
I believe deeply and wholeheartedly in our ability to directly be in connection with God consciousness at all times. My life's work is to follow my mission of sharing this message with people through a basic spiritual foundation of taking care of these wondrous bodies we have been given, to honor the temporary life/death cycle, and to honor and live as closely as we can to this planet and the universe as a whole.
I would say my entire life is dedicated to this development for myself. I believe everything is relationship.
I'm thrilled to currently be a small business owner, where I share this philosophy, and also a student at Southern Oregon University where I am formally studying psychology.
I Am A...
Magical Person Living In Southern Oregon.
Magical Business Owner.
Ritual/Ceremonial Facilitator.
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