Little Bird Designs is a small Pagan owned and operated design company that specializes in custom digital products.
Whether you are looking for digital content for magical or mundane purposes we at Little Bird Designs are here to support you with our services. Our services are currently limited to digital only products - Custom illustrations, Website design and management, Graphic design, Brand consultation , with discounts on bundled services.
Feel free to reach out with any questions to Little Bird Design Team. If you are interested in a quote please fill out the form bellow and we will reach out to you via your preferred contact method listed on the form.
A little about Sparrow, the owner of Little Bird Designs. Sparrow is a QMHA and graphic artist. They started Little Bird Designs with a hope to help support other spiritual community leaders. Sparrow has been practicing magic for over 25 years, and has actively been leading in the pagan spiritual community since 2022 locally and organizations located in the PNW. Their roles have been primarily managing content, facilitating connections and providing support for day to day operations in the background. However has been the lead in establishing events and community activities at their college back in 2007.
Sparrow values the growth of community, and loves to share and educate others on magic. They are currently working on writing a book on their personal practice and building a pagan platform. If you have any questions or would like to collaborate please feel free to contact them at the QR link bellow.