October's Newsletter

Submission Guidelines 


We have three different types of entries;

1. Your "Upcoming Events" are posted on the Homepage of the site. "Upcoming Events" are different then
"Recurring Events" in that they will be removed from the front page as soon as that event has happened. To submit information for an "Upcoming Event," please send a flyer with Event Name/Date/Time/Location/A Few Details/Links.
How do you make a flyer? Go to canva.com, open a free account and start creating. It's free and its fun!


2. Your "Recurring Events" are listed on the front page of the button marked "Calendar" at the top of the homepage. Your "Recurring Events" entries are different from the "Upcoming Events" in that they do not expire. ""Recurring Events" are general information about an event that happens on an ongoing basis, every month and stay on that page until you inform me that you are no longer doing that ongoing event. Where your "Upcoming Events" are specific to that date.
To submit information for a "Recurring Event," please send a flyer with Event Name/Date/Time/Location/A Few specific Details/Links. How do you make a flyer? Go to canva.com, open a free account and start creating. It's free and its fun!


3. Every event gets an entry on the Community Calendar. The community calendar link is at the top of the "Calendar" page. To place an entry on the community calendar, you needn't do anything. I will take the information from your flyers and place the entry on the calendar.

All Entries Need These Six Information Items 

1. Who is presenting the event? Name of person, business, community, etc.
2. What is it? Be creative - give it a snappy name.
3. When is it? Date and Time.
4. Where is the event happening? I need an address.
5. A Brief Description.
6. Is there a fee for the event?

Please send your entries to me at southernoregonpagans@gmail.com

Submission Deadline (Sorta)

I start collecting information and flyers by the 20th of each month for the following month.
So for example if you have an event in December you can send information to me anytime after the 20th of November. I would really like to have the next month's entries no later then the last day of the month for the following month. This way I am not adding information three days before an event. Now, with that said, I will enter information any time you send it to me.  :)

What's New in Southern Oregon?

Did you know that there is at least 12 magical businesses in Southern Oregon?
There are 12 listed here, but are there more? If you know of a business that needs to be on our list,
please let us know.

Upcoming Events

Suggestion Box

Want to help me improve the Southern Oregon Pagans Index?
Send me your suggestions to southernoregonpagans@gmail.com.